Fresh flowers for all occasions.

At Designs by Kent, we combine your vision and our expertise to create gorgeous floral arrangements that your guests will rave about. Whether its flowers for an intimate gathering in your home, bouquets, ceremony and reception décor for a once in a lifetime wedding or centerpieces for your company’s annual holiday party, our meticulous attention to detail, passion for flowers and excitement about your event makes planning enjoyable and stress free. I have been in the floral business for over 38 years.

Whether the overall appeal of an event may be modern chic, vintage romance, classic, edgy, rustic or an eclectic mix of organic elements, we consider every approach in transforming each event with meticulous details to design and produce the wedding of any bride's dream or party of any host's dream.

We create stunning designs that are uniquely yours

 What we do

We intertwine natures beauty with your vision.